Calvary Christian School kicked off the sports day PE class September 8th with soccer. If you missed it and want to join this post is for you. I will be posting what we worked on each week and post the "homework" that was suggested. Week 1 started with the basics. We did a warm up jog, stretched and did some agility and strengthening drills. Kathy and I found some muscles we have not used in awhile. Then we did some soccer warm-ups, survivor tag and a few passing drills. After that we played a game for the rest of the time. It was a close game but Kathy's team won 2-1. If you want to catch up on what all we learned here is a list of vocabulary and skills we focused on:
Trap - To get control of a ball that is kicked to you.
Dribble - To control and move the ball with small touches as you move around.
Using the inside of your foot to dribble and pass the ball. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5trhfYjkI4
Dribbling the ball while running and passing it to another player. Just run in a straight line parallel with another person and kick back and fourth about every 2 meters. We used cones but that is optional.
Two ways to control the ball when kicked to you. 1) Trap the ball by using the underside/sole of your foot. 2) Cushion the ball softly with the inside of your foot. We just kicked to each other and tried both ways of stopping the ball. https://youtu.be/m3Oj6HXt8jQ

This week it was just a few of us so we all practiced together. Our ages ranged from 2 years old to 40 years old. We all learned something and had a great time. If you missed this week and want to catch up with us you can head out to a local park and start with these simple drills. If you need a ball we can loan you one of ours. We also have some "homework" for you to complete.
Get out in the back yard or go to a park and practice the week 1 skills and try to exercise everyday:
Practice kicking with the inside of the foot.
Dribbling: running and controlling the ball.
Passing: dribbling with the ball and passing to another person.
Do some stretching and exercises each day at home: As many perfect push-ups as you can(go for form not quantity) https://youtu.be/yFyto2VEEfo
25 Crunches https://youtu.be/A7Y2-G4zOUA
25 Jumping Jacks https://youtu.be/UpH7rm0cYbM
Walk or jog around the block or at a local park.

Parents, if you are seeking to use this class as PE credit, evaluate your students for this week's class. I will need you to evaluate their effort, ability and overall performance. Effort marks are as follows: I-Improving, S- Satisfactory, and H-High. Ability marks are as follows: X-Working Towards, O-Developing and A-Achieving. The overall mark will be as follows: 1-Limited, 2-Developing, 3-Satisfactory, 4-Competent and 5 - Talented. Let me know their scores and I will add them to the week one grading sheet.
Our next class is Saturday, September 22nd. We practiced this time at Sherwood Park in Paso Robles and that was a very nice location. (Map to Sherwood Park https://goo.gl/maps/UxMxg9UicgQ2 ) We parked along Via Ramona Road and met toward the back entrance on that road. Please sign up here for next week: https://www.ccsforchrist.com/sports-day